Are you interested in studying in Victoria but need some financial assistance?

There are lots of different types of scholarships. Some may cover a portion of your tuition, while others provide money for your living or student expenses. Each scholarship may vary in length, with some valid for a year or two and others covering the entire duration of your course.

Scholarships can be awarded in several different ways. Many are given to students who have high scores and a history of academic excellence, while others are granted based on sporting ability, cultural background or financial hardship.

Search the Study Melbourne Course Finder for scholarships by discipline, location or level of study. Search the ‘Scholarships’ tab to see which scholarships might interest you. While it may take a little extra time, applying for more than one scholarship is the best way to increase your chances of success.

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Tips for your scholarship application

Scholarships can be fiercely competitive - which is why it is vital to do everything you can to stand out. Here are some of our top tips to follow when writing your application:

Prepare and plan

Once you have found your preferred scholarship, it’s time to start planning.

First, make a checklist of everything you have been asked to submit as part of your application. Read the criteria carefully to avoid missing anything important. You may require personal documents, transcripts, essays or proof of financial need. Once you have these listed, it will be much easier to start putting your application together.

Next, plan your time. Carefully check the deadline and put this in your diary or calendar. Then, work backwards and allocate enough time to work on and submit your application.

If you can, try to get your submission in early so you don’t risk missing the deadline!

Research the scholarship

Before you apply, it’s always a good idea to research the organisation that has funded the scholarship.

Understanding more about the scholarship and why it is being offered can help you shape and tailor your responses to match the intent or purpose of the scholarship.

For example, if it has been funded by a private company, find out about their work, vision and mission online and reference this in your submission. If it is offered by a university department, it could be useful to find out more about their specialties and areas of research.

Promote your achievements

Your scholarship application is not the time to be shy! Talk about your achievements, successes and results - tell them how great you are!

While academic achievements are always important, don’t forget to include your personal and professional achievements. Community participation and volunteer work are also great things to include in your application.

It is also crucial to personalise this section. Write a compelling personal statement that highlights your most unique experiences and be sure to address your long-term goals in your application. As you write, try to focus on the things that set you apart from other applicants.

Attention to detail

One easy way to make sure your scholarship application stands out is to pay attention to detail.

Carefully read through the requirements and criteria a few times. Create a checklist before you start so you know exactly what to include and tick things off as you complete them. Read your answers more than once before you submit your application to ensure that nothing has been missed.

If you have been asked to submit an essay, cover letter and/or resume, carefully read and edit each one to ensure they are well-written and free of errors. Do not hesitate to seek help when crafting your scholarship application from a teacher, academic advisor or tutor. They can not only check your spelling and grammar but ensure that your answers read well and make sense.

Finally, check that your written responses don’t exceed any word or page limits if they have been provided.

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