Eight students lined up smiling in corridor

Develop your career

Explore the top skills needed to stand out to employers, with insights into the job market and strategies for enhancing your employability.
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Business meeting

How to lead

Eager to begin your leadership journey? Here is what you need to know.
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Two men in business attire shaking hands

Start a business

If you have been dreaming of launching your own business, Victoria is the perfect place to be. Read on to discover everything you need to know about starting a business in Victoria.
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People speaking at an event

Build your network

In this guide, we detail everything you need to know about building professional contacts in Victoria and offer practical networking tips.
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Students planting seeds


Volunteering is one of the best ways to improve your employability as an international student.
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Director, International Education and Study Melbourne, Caroline Harnett with new 2025 student ambassadors. Banner in background says Dedicated programs for international students. Study Melbourne is here to help you while studying in Victoria.

Become an ambassador

If you are looking for a way to build your leadership skills, make connections and contribute to the student community, the Study Melbourne Ambassador Program could be the ideal opportunity.
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Portrait of Lara with two star shaped trophies, Study Melbourne Victoria and Victorian International Education Awards branding in background

Victorian International Education Awards

The Victorian International Education Awards celebrate Victoria's most outstanding international students and support the state's international education sector.
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