- Population: 56,972 people, 22% born overseas
- Education providers: La Trobe University, Monash University (School of Rural Health) and Sunraysia Institute of TAFE (SuniTAFE)
- Distance from Melbourne: 542km
- Flights to Mildura Airport from Melbourne or Sydney airports
View transcript
[Bobby music, text on screen: Welcome to Mildura. Map of Victoria showing regional university towns with Mildura highlighted. Plane flies into airport.]
[Text on screen: A sunny regional city overlayed on a regional main street with blue skies. International student walking past a Mildura retro sign. Kangaroos in a parkland area. ]
[Text on screen: on the edge of the Murray River with river and trees in background. Balcony on campus over the river.]
[Text on screen: Home to world-class education institutions: La Trobe University and Sunraysia Institute. Students walking on campus, La Trobe Uni signage.]
[Text on screen: Easily accessible by plane, car, train. Car driving through red plains, sign for Mungo National Park]
[Text on screen: Enjoy the outdoors and wide open spaces. River footage from above, houseboat on the river]
[Text on screen: Future-focussed agricultural innovation, students driving through orchards, walking through vines in safety vests.]
[Text on screen: Key industry sectors: Healthcare, agriculture, construction. Visuals of night in the bush]
[Text, quote of Linda from China: "I come from an agriculture background. t was really easy for me to find work, and it does make a lot of sense for me to study and live here." Yuying (Linda) Ding, China.]
[Text, quote of Alexiane Beck, France: "Victoria helps international students progress through their studies with less stress and be proud of their achievements."]
[Text on screen: A multicultural place to live, work and study. Chef with fire in frying pan in background. Cheese and meat platter.]
[Linda with a friend working on laptops in the sunshine outside, student making a phone call under the trees on the banks of the river]
[Text on screen: Ready to start your study experience in country Victoria? River at sunset in the background. Text: Find your perfect course with the Study Melbourne Course Finder]
[Study Melbourne, Victoria, Australia logo]
Key institutions
International students have plenty of educational options to choose from when living in Mildura. La Trobe University has a campus right in the centre of town. La Trobe offers students innovative and varied research in a variety of fields, with industry-responsive courses that meet the needs of the current job market.
Right next door, students can even choose to pursue vocational training at SuniTAFE. Here, you can complete a wide variety of certificate and diploma-level courses in areas like health, childcare, agriculture and hospitality, to name a few. SuniTAFE also offers English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) to help international students improve their English skills.

Warm weather, breathtaking natural beauty and a vibrant cultural scene are a few of the key reasons locals and visitors fall in love with the Mildura lifestyle. Find out more on what to do in Mildura.
You can access Mildura by plane or ground transport. You’ll have no trouble getting around while you’re there, with regular bus routes around the city and surrounds operated by CDC Victoria.
Hear what others say
View transcript
[Boppy music, international student Linda from China sitting on the grass out the front of her education institution in Mildura.]
[Speaker, Linda:] The Mildura local community is very friendly and very welcoming.
[Linda walking with a friend along the river, walking past Mildura, Sunraysia Vic. retro signage.]
It is very easy to make friends in Mildura.
There are a lot of networking activities, it's very Multicultural.
[Linda working on her laptop outdoors with a friend, eating with friends at outdoor cafe]
There are lot of different foods and people from all around the world.
Like the people actually from different country cook those food locally.
Like Italian food Chinese food, Indian food.
[Linda photographing food with DSLR camera and showing shot to friend]
There are lots of Chinese food in Mildura. It reminds me of home.
[Study Melbourne, Australia logo]
Key sectors
Health care
Health care and social assistance is the largest employing sector in Mildura, with over 4,000 people working in the industry. Many professionals work in the local public health service at the Mildura Base Hospital, which provides care for people in the town and surrounding regional areas.
As an important centre of farming, agriculture is another key industry for Mildura, employing almost 3,000 people across the city. The agricultural sector here is also future-focused, with Mildura now acting as a hub for innovation on sustainable farming practices.
Already worth more than $970 million annually, the construction industry in Mildura is expected to grow significantly in the coming years.
Innovations and opportunities
An artistic and cultural hub
Rich in cultural history, Mildura offers plenty of opportunities to celebrate and enjoy the arts. In the region, you’ll find exceptional art venues, including the Mildura Arts Centre, and fun events aimed at highlighting the region’s creative capacity. A couple fantastic examples include the Mildura Wentworth Music Festival and the Mildura Writers’ Festival.
You can explore the full range of artistic and cultural events on offer in Mildura.
Farming of the future
Mildura is the place to be for those wishing to make their mark on the future of farming. SuniTAFE’s SMART farm uses technology, research and best practice to guide new developments in agriculture while teaching students both the traditional and high-tech methods needed in the farms of today.
Mallee Regional Innovation Centre
Sustainability and resilience are the keys to Mildura’s long-term success, which is why the Mallee Regional Innovation Centre is driving investment in these areas.
The centre focuses on researching new and innovative methods to improve sustainability in horticulture, water use, energy and the environment. As a result, the region is seeing lots of exciting opportunities, particularly for those interested in environmental management.
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