Yes to International Students Fund

Published: 6 February 2025
International students in lecture theatre

The Yes to International Students Fund (YISF) is a new Victorian Government initiative to support public Victorian universities and TAFEs (including dual-sector providers) to deliver more offshore education by providing funding to develop and grow innovative international partnerships.

YISF is funded through Victoria’s Economic Growth Statement and is being developed to create new opportunities and drive innovation.

To access the Fund, eligible applicants will be required to submit a proposal which seeks to develop and grow offshore international partnerships and engagement.

Focus areas for the program are:

  • increased delivery of TNE and offshore education
  • enhanced Victorian international education partnerships and engagement; and

increased capability for Victorian tertiary education providers to deliver innovative international education models, models particularly those which include offshore components.

The program is only open to publicly funded Victorian universities and TAFEs (including dual-sector providers).

  • Applicants must be headquartered in Victoria
  • established or operating under Victorian legislation
  • Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) registered.

Unless specified above, all other entities and individuals are not eligible to apply for the Program.

Applications are expected to open in early March 2025, with funded project activities to be completed by 30 June 2026.