E scooter safety

When you are riding an e-scooter, it's important to ride safely and be aware of rules and penalties. It is illegal to:
- ride on footpaths
- drink and ride
- double up.
Keep yourself safe and avoid fines by wearing a helmet - tougher penalties are being introduced as part of Victoria’s permanent e-scooter rules, these include:
- Riding without a helmet - $395
- riding on a footpath - $296
- carrying a passenger - $247
- E-scooter passengers not wearing a helmet - $247
More information can be found on the TAC website.
Fire safety for E-bikes and E-scooters
Electric bicycles (e-bikes) and electric scooters (e-scooters) commonly contain lithium-ion batteries. These are more volatile than traditional batteries and can be a fire risk. If a Lithium-ion Battery is improperly charged, handled, stored or disposed of, there is a risk of overheating, catching fire or explosion. This also increases the risk of a house fire, garage fire or personal injury.
To find out more visit Fire Safety Victoria