A newly renovated Study Melbourne Hub Ho Chi Minh City

Published: 3 September 2024
New Ho Chi Minh City meeting room with artwork of the 12 apostles on the Great Ocean Road in Victoria

The Study Melbourne Hub Ho Chi Minh City has been newly renovated as part of the Hub's ongoing efforts to enhance the environment for Victorian students and alumni who use our space.

The new wall murals in the Hub’s meeting rooms feature stunning depictions of Melbourne's skyline, overlooking the Yarra River and the iconic Twelve Apostles on the Great Ocean Road, designed to evoke a sense of connection to Victoria’s most beloved landscapes.

Several improvements to the study zones were also made to enhance user comfort and overall experience, including new sofa cushions and new chairs added in the common study area.

We welcome all Victorian students, alumni and Victorian education providers to visit this refreshed, vibrant and friendly Hub.