[Inspiring music, text on screen: How to survive a rip current, followed by various footage cutaways and graphic overlays to reinforce key messages]

Speaker 1: The best way to avoid one of the thousands of rip currents on Australian beaches is to swim at a patrolled location between the red and yellow flags.

However, if you find yourself caught in a rip, stay calm. The rip won't pull you under. It's panic and exhaustion that are the main causes of drowning.

You can survive a rip by knowing your options. If the beach is patrolled or there are other people around, raise your arm and call out to attract attention. You may be rescued.

If you haven't been seen, float with the rip. Some rips will carry you back to shore. Or try swimming parallel to the beach or towards the breaking waves. Use the breaking waves to help you in.

Stay calm, re-assess your situation. If what you are doing isn't working, try one of the other options until you're rescued or return to shore.

Never try to swim against a rip.

Remember, the best way to beat a rip is to swim at a patrolled beach between the red and yellow flags.

Don't risk the rip.

Visit beachsafe.org.au or download the app to find out more about rips.

[On-screen logo]

Surf Life Saving


[End transcript]

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