[Inspiring music, visuals of speaker talking to camera]

[On-screen text: Cassandra Martin Ð Senior Lawyer, WEstjustice]

Cassandra Martin: My name is Cassandra Martin. I'm a senior lawyer with the International Students Employment and Accommodation Legal Service, or ISEALS for short.

My job involves helping international students with their legal problems at work.

When looking for a job, a big red flag would be if your boss asks you to get an ABN, or tells you that you'll be working as an independent contractor. So unless you really feel like you are running your own business, it's very unlikely that an international student would really be an independent contractor. So if that happens, it's really important to get legal advice.

A second red flag if you're looking for a job is if you're going to be paid cash in hand. So it's not illegal to be paid in cash, but the reason that it's a red flag is that it can often mean that you're being paid less than the legal minimum wage, that you're not being paid superannuation, and that your boss is not withholding the proper amount of tax from your pay.

If you have a question or need legal advice, you can contact Study Melbourne Student Centre to make an appointment by phone or email.

[On-screen logo, and text]

Study Melbourne


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