[Inspiring music, visual of speaker talking to camera]

Cassandra Martin: My name is Cassandra Martin. I'm a senior lawyer with the International Students Employment and Accommodation Legal Service, or ISEALS for short.

My job involves helping international students with their legal problems at work.

Sometimes international students will say that their boss has said to them that Australian workplace laws don't apply to international students, but that's actually not true at all.

So international students who have the right to work in Australia have the same rights and protections as Australian workers.

So that includes the right to be paid a minimum wage, including any penalty rates, the right to be paid superannuation, the right to work safely, and in a workplace that's free from discrimination, bullying and harassment.

It also includes the right not to be fired from your job for an unfair or discriminatory reason.

If you have a question or need legal advice, you can contact Study Melbourne Student Centre to make an appointment by phone or email.

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