[Inspiring music, visual of speaker talking to camera]

[On-screen text: Caitlin Louth, Lawyer, WEstjustice]

Caitlin Louth: Hi. My name's Caitlin. I'm a lawyer with the International Students Employment and Accommodation Legal Service, ISEALS for short.

I specialise in renting laws and help international students with a wide range of accommodation issues.

International students have the same rental rights as any other renter in Victoria and they should feel able to enforce these rights.

It's actually an offence under rental laws for a rental provider to try and stop you enforcing your rights under the law or under your rental agreement.

All renters have rights around the condition of their property so there's now minimum standards, both for rental properties and rooming houses, and you have the right for your property to be kept in good repair for the whole time you're there.

Rental providers cannot force renters to move out of their property without following really strict rules and processes. If you think you're at risk of being made to leave your home, you should always seek legal advice. Remember, the rights you have may depend on the type of housing that you have and your situation.

Accommodation questions can be a little bit complex and the answers and your options will depend on the particular facts and circumstances.

If you're an international student and you need legal advice and want to speak to a lawyer at ISEALS, you can contact the Study Melbourne Student Centre by phone or by email to book in for an appointment.

[On-screen logo, and text]

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[End transcript]

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