Study Melbourne Leadership Labs is part of Study Melbourne's flagship Empowered program and is designed with a student-centered, strengths-based approach to capacity building and leadership skills development, social entrepreneurship, and volunteering.

Delivered by Campus Consultancy, Study Melbourne Leadership Labs includes a series of free events and streams designed to develop the leadership skills and growth mindsets of international students across Melbourne and regional Victoria.

Volunteer to Lead

With over a dozen speakers, community leaders and special guests, this stream is designed for international students and alumni who aspire to increase their leadership skills and take the next steps as community volunteers and leaders.

Students who participate will:

  • Develop their leadership skills giving them an employability edge
  • Prepare a personal action plan to increase your community involvement
  • Network and meet a whole new peer group of likeminded, motivated students and local leaders
  • Learn from some of the most inspiring leaders and influencers in Melbourne


The CONNECT series includes 4 webinars and an in-person networking event to achieve 3 goals:

  • Create a sense of community for international students and alumni
  • Develop students’ leadership skills and mindsets with engaging guest speakers
  • Expand students’ networks with community leaders and their peers

For each online workshop our leadership expert - Josh Farr, will guide the participants through the leadership journey to be your own leader. The online events will have special guests to connect with the students and speak about their experiences.


During Study Melbourne Leadership Labs 4Impact stream, all participants work in teams with their peers and create a project based on one of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (note we might select different UNSDG for each iteration of the program):

  • Lifestyle (UNSDG 4) Promoting a sustainable lifestyle (ethical purchases, food, household, health etc.) for individuals.
  • Leadership (UNSDG 5) Promoting women and ways to support women to rise to their potential.
  • Livelihood (UNSDG 8) Promoting financial education and access for all.

At the end of this 10-week program, students can build friendships, develop creativity and leadership skills and work closely with a professional mentor who will guide their team towards success. In the last event, all teams can participate in the final pitch competition with cash prizes for the winning teams!

Contact us if you have questions or want more information.

Delivered by Campus Consultancy

Founded and led by Josh Farr, Campus Consultancy focuses on helping university, high school, and government staff to deliver top-quality professional development programs for their students. Campus Consultancy specialises in leadership and career development and employs a diverse team of expert facilitators and program managers. The entire team, including Josh, deliver fun, educational solutions, but more importantly, they deliver long-term results. They can design and provide tailored programs to fit clients’ needs and take their performance to the next level while increasing student engagement and retention.

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Upcoming events
2024 Future Founders group photo of scholarship winners
31 January - 2 March

Study Melbourne Future Founders Venture Scholarships 2025

Want to give your new business a boost? Apply for a Venture Scholarship, open to current and former international students (up to 5-years post-graduation) leading a new business venture. Five scholarships are on offer for founders or teams of up to 3, running from April to June 2025 including: $10,000 AUD seed funding StartSpace Loft membership Business mentoring, coaching and more! Take your new business to the next level and apply by 11.59pm (AEST) Sunday 2 March.
Time: 12:00am - 11:59pm (AEDT)
Cost: Free
Student speaking at StartSpace event, slide presentation in the background
21 February

Venture Scholarships Information Seminar

Join us online to learn all about the Study Melbourne Future Founders Venture Scholarships. The session will cover details of the 12-week scholarship program, benefits, eligibility and judging criteria as well as tips for applying. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and clarify any points you are unsure of about your application during the session.
Time: 12:00pm - 01:00pm (AEDT)
Cost: Free
Students with speaker at leadership event
6 March

Leadership Labs 4Impact

In this 10 week series, Study Melbourne Leadership Labs 4Impact, you will have the opportunity to co-create a team of motivated students and work together to create an innovative solution to a real-world problem. You will learn from a range of amazing facilitators, panellists and guest speakers who will challenge you to turn ideas into results with $5,000 of prizes up for grabs!
Time: 03:00pm - 05:00pm (AEDT)
Cost: Free
Student mentor panel speaking at event
18 March

Elevate your career

Moving to a new country, figuring out the job market and building confidence in a whole new environment can be tough! But those challenges could be key to your success. Join us for real, practical advice on turning tough times into career wins, tips to grow your confidence and tackle challenges head-on and meet other international students. With prizes, interactive stations and group activities plus the unbeatable views from Eureka Tower—it doesn’t get more Melbourne than this!
Time: 05:30pm - 08:00pm (AEDT)
Cost: Free