Celebrate your achievements and elevate your success!

APPLY NOW - Applications for the Victorian International Education Awards 2024 are now open.

Presented by Study Melbourne, these prestigious awards are an initiative of the Victorian Government that recognise Victoria’s most exceptional international students and recent alumni.

Ready to apply? Read the full Terms and Conditions before you submit your application through our application portal. Or scroll down to learn more about each award and how to prepare your application.

Applications close on 5 July 2024 at AEST 11:59pm.


2024 Award categories:

International Student of the Year – Higher Education

About this category

This award will be presented to an international student who is currently studying an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework-based program at a Victorian education provider.

This award recognises an international student who is a role model for others by displaying exemplary qualities throughout their studies such as leadership, academic achievements and contribution to their community.


The winner will receive:

  • an official certificate and trophy
  • prize money up to AUD$6,000 to support their studies (Terms and Conditions apply)
  • acknowledgement and recognition at the official Victorian International Education Awards ceremony.

The finalists will receive:

  • up to AUD$2,000 to support their studies (Terms and Conditions apply)
  • an official certificate
  • acknowledgement and recognition at the official Victorian International Education Awards ceremony.

The winner and finalists will have the opportunity to apply for the 2025 Study Melbourne Ambassador Program.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to enter this category, applicants must meet the below criteria:

  • not an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia; and
  • currently enrolled in studying an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework-based program being offered by a Victorian post-secondary education provider at the time of submitting the application; and
  • provide proof that you are or were studying in Australia as an international student at the time of submitting an application.

For detailed eligibility criteria including documentation requirements read our Terms and Conditions

Assessment criteria

Criterion 1: Community Involvement (40%)

  • List the ways you have contributed and connected to the Victorian and/or global community while you have been an international student in Victoria. Include activities, events, actions, hobbies, clubs etc., whether these have been paid or unpaid roles, and how long you have been involved in each.
  • Provide examples of activities or actions where you added value and created impact for international students in Victoria, the broader Victorian and global community.

Criterion 2: Leadership Skills (20%)

  • Outline your leadership abilities and describe how they have developed through your studies or extra-curricular activities.
  • Provide one or more examples of how you have used your leadership skills to achieve particular outcomes.

Criterion 3: Academic Achievements (30%)

  • Describe your studies and academic achievements to date.

Criterion 4: Career Goals (10%)

  • Outline how your studies will assist you in achieving your career goals and any extra activities you are undertaking to advance your career skills.
  • Include messages that could encourage others who are interested in studying in Victoria.

International Student of the Year – Research

About this category

This award will be presented to an international student who is pursuing a postgraduate research program either at Masters (by Research) or Doctoral level.

From immersing themselves in hands-on experiences in their field to adopting practical and innovative approaches to various industries, the winner of this award will demonstrate exceptional leadership skills and will have made an impact in Victoria through their research.


The winner will receive:

  • an official certificate and trophy
  • prize money up to AUD$6,000 to support their studies (Terms and Conditions apply)
  • acknowledgement and recognition at the official Victorian International Education Awards ceremony.

The finalists will receive:

  • up to AUD$2,000 to support their studies (Terms and Conditions apply)
  • an official certificate
  • acknowledgement and recognition at the official Victorian International Education Awards ceremony.

The winner and finalists will have the opportunity to apply for the 2025 Study Melbourne Ambassador Program.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to enter this category, applicants must meet the below criteria:

  • not an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia; and
  • currently enrolled in a postgraduate research program either at Masters (by Research) or Doctoral level being offered by a Victorian post-secondary education provider at the time of submitting the application; and
  • provide proof that you are or were studying in Australia as an international student at the time of submitting an application.

For detailed eligibility criteria including documentation requirements read our Terms and Conditions.

Assessment criteria

Criterion 1: Community Involvement (20%)

  • List the ways you have contributed and connected to the Victorian and/or global community while you have been an international student in Victoria. Include activities, events, actions, hobbies, clubs etc., whether these have been paid or unpaid roles, and how long you have been involved in each.
  • Provide examples of activities or actions where you believe you have added value to the Victorian community, global community and international student experiences.

Criterion 2: Leadership Skills (30%)

  • Outline your leadership abilities and describe how they have developed through your studies or extra-curricular activities.
  • Provide one or more examples of how you have used your leadership skills to achieve particular outcomes.

Criterion 3: Academic Achievements (40%)

  • Describe your studies and academic achievements to date and the potential impact (e.g. academic/industry/social) of your research.
  • Provide examples of how you have connected with the Victorian and global research community to further your research.

Criterion 4: Career Goals (10%)

  • Outline how your studies will assist you in achieving your career goals and any extra activities you are undertaking to advance your career skills.
  • Include messages that could encourage others who are interested in pursuing a research degree in Victoria.

International Student of the Year – English Language Training

About this category

This award will be presented to an international student who is undertaking an English Language Training program in Victoria and is a role model for others. This award recognises an international student who has demonstrated excellence throughout their English Language studies in Victoria by displaying academic excellence and has made an outstanding contribution to their community during their time as an international student in Victoria.


The winner will receive:

  • an official certificate and trophy
  • prize money up to AUD$6,000 to support their studies (Terms and Conditions apply)
  • acknowledgement and recognition at the official Victorian International Education Awards ceremony.

The finalists will receive:

  • up to AUD$2,000 to support their studies (Terms and Conditions apply)
  • an official certificate
  • acknowledgement and recognition at the official Victorian International Education Awards ceremony.

The winner and finalists will have the opportunity to apply for the 2025 Study Melbourne Ambassador Program.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to enter this category, applicants must meet the below criteria:

  • not an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia; and
  • currently enrolled in a full-time course being offered by a Victorian post-secondary education provider at the time of submitting the application; and
  • provide proof that you are or were studying in Australia as an international student at the time of submitting your application.

For detailed eligibility criteria including documentation requirements read our Terms and Conditions.

Assessment criteria

Criterion 1: Community Involvement (40%)

  • List the ways you have contributed and connected to the Victorian and/or global community while you have been an international student in Victoria. Include activities, events, actions, hobbies, clubs etc., whether these have been paid or unpaid roles, and how long you have been involved in each.
  • Provide examples of activities or actions where you added value and created impact for international students in Victoria.

Criterion 2: Leadership Skills (20%)

  • Outline your leadership abilities and describe how they have developed through your studies or extra-curricular activities in Victoria.
  • Provide one or more examples of how you have used your leadership skills to achieve particular outcomes.

Criterion 3: Academic Achievements (30%)

  • Describe your studies and academic achievements to date.

Criterion 4: Career Goals (10%)

  • Outline how your studies will assist you in achieving your career goals and any extra activities you are undertaking to advance your career skills.
  • Include messages that could encourage others who are interested in studying in Victoria.

International Student of the Year – Vocational Education and Training

About this category

This award will be presented to an international student who is undertaking a tertiary-level vocational education and training (VET) program in Victoria and is a role model for others. Students who have completed an English Language course and have continued their studies with a Victorian education provider can apply.

This award recognises an international student who has demonstrated excellence throughout their studies in Victoria by displaying exemplary qualities such as leadership, academic achievement and contribution to their community.


The winner will receive:

  • an official certificate and trophy
  • prize money up to AUD$6,000 to support their studies (Terms and Conditions apply)
  • acknowledgement and recognition at the official Victorian International Education Awards ceremony.

The finalists will receive:

  • up to AUD$2,000 to support their studies (Terms and Conditions apply)
  • an official certificate
  • acknowledgement and recognition at the official Victorian International Education Awards ceremony.

The winner and finalists will have the opportunity to apply for the 2025 Study Melbourne Ambassador Program.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to enter this category, applicants must meet the below criteria:

  • not an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia; and
  • currently enrolled in a full-time vocational education course being offered by a Victorian post-secondary education provider at the time of submitting the application; and
  • provide proof that you are or were studying in Australia as an international student at the time of submitting an application.

For detailed eligibility criteria including documentation requirements read our Terms and Conditions.

Assessment criteria

Criterion 1: Community Involvement (40%)

  • List the ways you have contributed and connected to the Victorian and/or global community while you have been an international student in Victoria. Include activities, events, actions, hobbies, clubs etc., whether these have been paid or unpaid roles, and how long you have been involved in each.
  • Provide examples of activities or actions where you added value and created impact for international students in Victoria, the broader Victorian and global community.

Criterion 2: Leadership Skills (20%)

  • Outline your leadership abilities and describe how they have developed through your studies or extra-curricular activities.
  • Provide one or more examples of how you have used your leadership skills to achieve particular outcomes.

Criterion 3: Academic Achievements (30%)

  • Describe your studies and academic achievements to date.

Criterion 4: Career Goals (10%)

  • Outline how your studies will assist you in achieving your career goals and any extra activities you are undertaking to advance your career skills.
  • Include messages that could encourage others who are interested in studying in Victoria.

International Student of the Year - Regional

About this category

This award will be presented to an international student who is undertaking a tertiary-level course at a Victorian education provider in regional Victoria. The recipient of this award will have embarked on an educational journey in regional Victoria, immersed themselves in the culture and lifestyle, and ultimately be an advocate for living and studying in the regions.

The award recognises an international student who has demonstrated excellence throughout their studies in regional Victoria by displaying exemplary qualities such as leadership, academic achievement and by making an outstanding contribution to their community.


The winner will receive:

  • an official certificate and trophy
  • prize money up to AUD$6,000 to support their studies (Terms and Conditions apply)
  • acknowledgement and recognition at the official Victorian International Education Awards ceremony.

The finalists will receive:

  • up to AUD$2,000 to support their studies (Terms and Conditions apply)
  • an official certificate
  • acknowledgement and recognition at the official Victorian International Education Awards ceremony.

The winner and finalists will have the opportunity to apply for the 2025 Study Melbourne Ambassador Program.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to enter this category, applicants must meet the below criteria:

  • not an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia; and
  • currently enrolled in a full-time course being offered by a Victorian post-secondary education provider in regional Victoria at the time of submitting the application; and
  • provide proof that you are or were studying in Australia as an international student at the time of submitting an application.

For detailed eligibility criteria including documentation requirements read our Terms and Conditions.

Assessment criteria

Criterion 1: Community Involvement (40%)

  • List the ways you have contributed and connected to the Victorian and/or global community while you have been an international student in regional Victoria. Include activities, events, actions, hobbies, clubs etc., whether these have been paid or unpaid roles, and how long you have been involved in each.
  • Provide examples of activities or actions where you added value and created impact for international students in Victoria, the broader Victorian and global community.

Criterion 2: Leadership Skills (20%)

  • Outline your leadership abilities and describe how they have developed through your studies or extra-curricular activities.
  • Provide an example of your leadership skills and outcomes you have achieved while in regional Victoria.

Criterion 3: Academic Achievements (30%)

  • Describe your studies and academic achievements to date.

Criterion 4: Career Goals (10%)

  • Outline how your studies will assist you in achieving your career goals and any extra activities you are undertaking to advance your career skills.
  • Include messages that could encourage others who are interested in studying in regional Victoria.

International Student/Graduate Entrepreneur of the Year

About this category

This award will be presented to an international student or recent graduate who has achieved exceptional outcomes as an entrepreneur or founder and has contributed to Victoria’s entrepreneurial/start up ecosystem and demonstrated exemplary leadership qualities.

Student and recent graduates who have a business/startup that has delivered impact and growth are encourage to apply. This is an opportunity to inspire others by showcasing your business, and build your profile by sharing your story about how your leadership and entrepreneurial activities have contributed to building a business or startup in Victoria.


The winner will receive:

  • an official certificate and trophy
  • acknowledgement and recognition at the official Victorian International Education Awards ceremony.

The finalists will receive:

  • an official certificate
  • acknowledgement and recognition at the official Victorian International Education Awards ceremony.

The winner and finalists will have the opportunity to apply for the 2025 Study Melbourne Ambassador Program.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to enter this category, applicants must meet the below criteria:

  • must provide either proof that you are or were studying in Australia as an international student at the time of application lodgement; or proof that you studied with a Victorian post-secondary education provider within the Entrepreneurship Award Eligibility Period (up to 5 years before the application lodgement).

For detailed eligibility criteria including documentation requirements read our Terms and Conditions.

Assessment criteria

Criterion 1: Entrepreneurial achievements and innovation (35%)

  • Describe the entrepreneurial activities you have undertaken and how you have developed your entrepreneurial skills and capabilities.
  • Describe the holistic entrepreneurial plan you have developed including key milestones, which stage you are at, and approaches you have undertaken to engage with industry experts and test product-market fit.
  • Describe the outcomes and achievements of your entrepreneurial activities up until now (e.g. business registration, co-founder securement, product or service development) and how innovation has played a role in the impact you have created.

Criterion 2: Entrepreneurial community involvement (30%)

  • Describe how you have contributed to the development of Victoria’s entrepreneurship/startup ecosystem.
  • Describe the activities you have initiated or participated in within and outside your education institution, for example - events, workshops or open market programs - and how these have helped to develop your entrepreneurial capabilities.

Criterion 3: Leadership skills (25%)

  • Outline your leadership abilities and describe how they have developed through your studies or entrepreneurship activities.
  • Provide two examples of how you have used your leadership skills to achieve particular outcomes. Include examples of how you have problem solved, fostered teamwork, and used communication skills, negotiation skills and resilience to support your success.

Criterion 4: Career Goals (10%)

  • Outline how your studies have or will assist you as an entrepreneur or founder in achieving your career goals and any extra activities you are undertaking to advance your career skills.
    Include messages that could encourage others who are interested in pursuing an entrepreneurship pathway in Victoria.

Emerging Leader - International Alumni Award

About this category

This award highlights the achievements and contributions of Victoria’s recent alumni. The recipient of this award will be recognised as a role model for other international students and Victorian alumni who has demonstrated exemplary leadership skills, achieved success in their career progression and made an outstanding contribution to the community.


The winner will receive:

  • an official certificate and trophy
  • acknowledgement and recognition at the official Victorian International Education Awards ceremony.

The finalists will receive:

  • an official certificate
  • acknowledgement and recognition at the official Victorian International Education Awards ceremony.

The winner and finalists will have the opportunity to apply for the 2025 Study Melbourne Ambassador Program.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to enter this category, applicants must meet the below criteria:

  • must demonstrate that you studied as an international student with a Victorian education provider within the Alum Award Eligibility Period (up to 5 years before the application lodgement).

For more detailed eligibility criteria read our Terms and Conditions.

Assessment criteria

Criterion 1: Leadership skills (45%)

  • Outline your leadership skills and achievements. Describe how you have developed your leadership skills since graduating and the impact and outcomes of your leadership.
  • Provide one or more example of how you have used your leadership skills to achieve particular outcomes.

Criterion 2: Community involvement (35%)

  • List the ways you have contributed and connected to the Victorian and/or global community since you graduated from your studies as an international student in Victoria. Include activities, events, actions, hobbies, clubs etc., whether these have been paid or unpaid roles, and how long you have been involved in each.
  • Provide examples of activities or actions where you added value and created impact for international students in Victoria, the broader Victorian and global community.

Criterion 3: Career Goals (20%)

  • Outline your career progression pathway, the steps you have taken to develop your career and create opportunities for learning and growth, and the outcomes you have achieved.
  • Include messages that could encourage others who are interested in studying in Victoria or pursuing an entrepreneurship pathway in Victoria.

Premier’s Award – International Student of the Year

About this category

The winner of the Premier’s Award – International Student of the Year will be selected from the most outstanding student category winners from this year’s awards, with the exception of the “Emerging Leader - International Alumni Award” and the “International Student/Graduate Entrepreneur of the Year Award”.


The winner will receive:

  • an official certificate and trophy
  • prize money up to AUD$10,000 to support studies (Terms and Conditions apply)
  • acknowledgement and recognition at the official Victorian International Education Awards ceremony

Terms and Conditions

Read the Terms and Conditions for detailed information about eligibility criteria, documentation requirements and other important information.

Victorian International Education Awards 2024

Apply now

Victorian International Education Awards 2024 FAQs

How do I apply online?

To apply, you will need to register via the online portal and submit your application and supporting materials. You can submit one entry per category, per applicant.

Applications close on 5 July 2024 at 11:59pm.

The portal provides guidance on how to address each of the criteria, and you can also find information about each award in the 2024 Award categories of this website.

For more information about how to apply for the Victorian International Education Awards 2024, contact viea@studymelbourne.vic.gov.au

What documents do I need to prepare?

Documents needed:

  • a written submission of how you meet the assessment criteria for each category you are applying for. There is a word limit of 400 words per criterion question.
  • two referees who can be contacted to verify the information in your application or provide further information if needed. Referees should be someone who can verify the information and accomplishments you put forward within your application. Please provide their names and contact details.
  • a headshot of you for Study Melbourne to use for promotional purposes if you are selected as a finalist. Choose wisely, as this will go on our website if you are a finalist!

What supporting materials can I submit?


  • Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) (mandatory)
  • Copy of your student visa (mandatory)
  • Headshot (mandatory)

Additional supporting materials:

You are encouraged to submit any relevant documents that demonstrate how you meet the assessment criteria. These should be from the last five years.

These can include:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume, academic transcripts and certificates.
  • Reference letters from organizations mentioned in your entry.
  • Evidence of leadership abilities and/or extracurricular activities in the form of images, letters or certificates etc.
  • Copy of your valid letter of completion issued by your education provider within the eligibility period, or evidence of study completed in Victoria within the relevant eligibility period to the satisfaction of the Department (alumni and entrepreneur category applicants who no longer hold a valid student visa)
  • Do not provide copies of your passport or drivers licence.

Supporting material requirements:

  • You can submit up to five documents.
  • The maximum size allowed for each document is 5MB.
  • You can combine supporting material to create one document—for instance, compile multiple images into one PDF file.
  • You can also submit web links
    • These should link directly to the material you want to submit, such as your portfolio or videos.
    • You can submit up to five web links.
    • The links must be publicly available.

When will the industry providers awards be open for applications?

Awards for industry and education providers will be held in 2025 and then every second year to showcase excellence and best practice amongst Victoria’s world-class international education sector. We welcome suggestions and feedback on our industry and provider award categories via email: viea@studymelbourne.vic.gov.au

Where can I get help and support?

If you have any questions related to the Victorian International Education Awards 2024, please contact us at viea@studymelbourne.vic.gov.au

Refine your application with tips from previous winners

Thinking of applying for the Victorian International Education Awards (VIEAs) and need help with your application? Get tips and advice from previous VIEA winners! Learn more.